With the last few weeks having been spent living out of my Louis Vuitton holdall & Tumi carry on it has made me appreciated that when it comes to travel the right LUXE luggage really can make a ‘Fabulous In ….. ‘ trip all the more enjoyable and much less stressful.
I have always loved everything about international travel - from pulling off the dustbags to start packing, checking in and being greeted by name, indulging in a little pre-trip dutyfree shopping, right down to arriving at your destination and arranging everything in your hotel room just the way you like it which for me always includes lighting my favorite scented candle making it a home away from home.
There are a very few travel brands that have withstood the test of time & the ravages of the baggage handlers & Tumi is one of those who for the past 30yrs has stayed at the forefront in design, durability and always ensuring that packing/travel be more of an experience rather than a chore – if you glance around the baggage carrousel next time you are at the airport you will be able to pick out the seasoned traveler not only by their relaxed demeanor but by the luggage they are wheeling behind them.
Whilst Tumi has no monogram branding as with Louis Vuitton or Goyard to the well trained eye a quick glance at the distinctive Tumi handle will be an instant give away – regardless of how often you travel & if it is for business or pleasure I would seriously recommend investing in a piece of LUXE luggage as it really does make the way you feel about travel all the more special even when it comes time to unpack on your return & pop it back on the shelf till your next ‘Fabulous In ….. ‘ adventure !!
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