Touch down in London town and there is a message flashing on my blackberry which reads “Do you want to play polo this weekend?” Having been an established 3-day Event rider in the past and being quite a dab hand with a stick and ball, I jumped at the idea… immediately my mind is in overdrive selecting an outfit, tight white jeans…crisp polo shirt…brown leather boots…
So a quick jaunt out to Ascot Polo Park and suddenly we are on the field galloping along surrounded by athletic Argentinean men and I’m scoring a goal. I have since decided that polo is to become my sport of the summer season, it combines all of my favourite things: Horses / outfits / champagne / Range Rovers and let’s not forget men in rather fitting white denim.
With the polo season well and truly in full swing, there is still time to catch a chukka or two at one of the many tournaments over the summer and spend a day soaking up the sun amongst the beautiful people both on and off the field. For a touch of celeb spotting check out Hurtwood Park owned by the legendary Kenny Jones, you’ll most definitely see the likes of Ronnie Wood and other Rock n’ Roll royalty being fabulous on the bubbles.
If you’re stuck as to what to wear, I think it’s always safe to take a page out of the Royals book - think Sloane Ranger chic muted colour palettes of cream, baby blue, tan, and navy. Check out the newly opened Polistas Store on Shepards Walk - Harry and William are big fans! And of course, don’t forget the compulsory leather loafer that will take you straight past the velvet rope at Annabels come evening.
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